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1     The Name shall be:   White Farm Allotments also known as WFA.


2     Objectives of WFA shall be:


  • To promote the interests of the members with regard to proper cultivation, good management and enjoyment of allotments.


  • To maintain and improve facilities which will be for the benefit of all members.


  • To conduct negotiations with local council, other groups and organisations and individuals in the furtherance of benefits to members and the community.


3     Membership


  • Membership of WFA shall be confined to plot holder tenants on the White Farm Road allotment site.


  • Annual subscriptions shall be due and payable at the same time as the annual rents are due to Birmingham City Council.


  • The amount payable as subscription shall be agreed at the 'Annual General Meeting'.


4     Management Committee


  • A committee of plot holders shall be appointed by the members at a general meeting or Annual General Meeting of WFA. 


  • The committee shall not exceed six members.


  • Within the committee there must be three officers, namely the Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary.


  • Other officers may also be appointed or co-opted as required.


  • To hold a committee meeting there must be a quorum of 3 members with two of these members being officers.


  • If a casual vacancy occurs in the committee then the committee can appoint another member of WFA to fill the vacancy until the next AGM when that member will be eligible for election.   Such members will have voting rights.


  • The committee shall have collective responsibility for its actions and decisions and as such there should be no personal liability for any one committee member acting in any one of these roles.


  • The tenure of all committee members including all officers is for a period of one year; they must all resign and apply for re-election at the yearly AGM. 


  • The committee is hereby authorised to conduct negotiations with Birmingham City Council as to the management of the plots on the White Farm Road allotment site in accordance with the agreement between WFA and the council.


  • The committee is hereby authorised to open and operate Bank or Building Society accounts in the name of White Farm Allotments.   The mandate to operate the accounts will vested in the Officers of WFA and the signatures of the Treasurer and one other Officer will be required on all cheques or withdrawals from the accounts.  WFA will maintain the usual records of accounts which will be presented to the Annual General Meeting of WFA for approval.   These accounts may be inspected by any plot holder on request, by mutual agreement on timing.


5        Meetings


  • The Annual General Meeting will be held every November.


  • Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be published no less than 21 days before the date of the event.


  • The committee will hold at least one meeting every quarter.


  • An Extraordinary meeting of WFA can be called at any time by the committee or by a group of plot holders numbering at least one third of the total number providing that 21 days notice has been given.


6        General


  • Plot holders must adhere to the 'Allotment Rules' as laid down by Birmingham City Council.


  • Plot holders must make themselves aware of WFA’s ‘Health and Safety' guidelines and work within this framework.


  • Any amendments to this constitution shall be made by resolution of the members of WFA at an Annual General Meeting.  Proposals to change the constitution must be given in writing to the Secretary no less than 21 days before the AGM and approved at the meeting by two thirds majority of those present and those voting by proxy.  Proxy voting is only allowed on specific points and must be completed on authorised documentation which can be obtained from the Secretary.  This proxy vote must be lodged with the Secretary at least twenty-four hours prior to any meeting.


  • The status of WFA is an unincorporated organisation, whose assets, monies, buildings, stock or equipment cannot be incorporated, transferred, usurped or otherwise suffer a change of ownership without the unanimous agreement of every WFA member.  Any change in status would be at an EGM specifically called for such a purpose.


  • On the dissolution of White Farm Allotments any funds not payable to Birmingham City Council and remaining after all debts have been cleared shall be paid to the current members of White Farm Road Allotments as determined by the Secretary.




This Constitution was approved at inaugural Committee Meeting held on 7th December 2016, at Mere Green Community Centre.




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